Extra support for math notation and checkboxes.

Notifications in mobile and desktop applications.Support notes, to-dos, tags, and Goto Anything feature.Synchronization with various cloud services like Nextcloud, Dropbox, WebDAV, and OneDrive.Web Clipper for Firefox and Chrome browser.Comes with Desktop, mobile and terminal applications.Joplin supports cloud synchronization with various cloud services like DropBox, NextCloud, WebDav, OneDrive, or network file system. Joplin notes are in Markdown format and follow Github style with few variations and additions. It is also possible to export notes from Evernote (. Since it is free to use, Joplin is a good alternative for applications like Evernote. It is also available on mobile platforms like android and IOS. Joplin is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS. In this article, we will only take a look at the Desktop version. Joplin is an open-source Note-taking and To-Do application, which comes in two flavors: Desktop application and Terminal application.